Frequently asked questions about interning abroad
For more information on these or any other questions, please Contact Us today.
Yes. In our application, you are required to include an essay, transcripts, biographical information and areas of interest. We will also need to do background checks. Our application can be downloaded from this web site (see How to Apply).
We will work to match you to an exciting opportunity, but a placement is not guaranteed. We have minimum requirements set forth in the application you will be required to submit. In addition, each sponsor organization reserves the right to review applications and request an interview before accepting any interns.
No worries. We will work with you to help you find an internship that excites you. Together we will review best matches for your particular interests, skills and career goals.
Yes. You must check with your university, and we will assist you in meeting the requirements necessary to receive credit.
A non-refundable application fee of USD $50 starts the matching process. Placement and counseling fees for a matched internship will be in a comparable range between 3 and 6 credits at a private university in the United States. Other optional services that we can arrange, but are not covered by the placement fee, include housing, travel and living expenses, entertainment, and lectures. Please contact us for further details.
Internships are generally unpaid work experiences. Sponsor organizations are generously opening their doors to people with little or no experience or industry skills. In exchange for a good work ethic and a positive attitude you get the opportunity to learn and develop contacts for life. It is in a very real sense a class room, albeit in the real world. Most will find this experience to have a far greater impact upon their lives than any other class they attend.
You can use any site or travel agent you choose. We like Click here to see what they have.
Here are some articles about interning abroad.
May 2009 Economist Article
Dec 2008 WSJ Article
Nov 2008 NYT Article
May 2009 WSJ article
Still have questions? Please contact us anytime! We look forward to hearing from you.